STAVANGER KICKOFF welcomes you to a fun and unique birthday party. The activities take approximately 90 minutes. Afterwards we have pizza and slush or soda in our own birthdayroom. Including the pizza dinner the birthdayparty takes ca. 2 hours.
5 activities: 1995,- kr (2-15 pers., 100,- kr extra for each person over 15 pers., big groups can contact us for a price)
5 activities inkludert sumo fotball: 2495,- kr (2-15 pers., 100,- kr extra for each person over 15 pers., big groups can contact us for a price)
5 activities inkludert bubble fotball: 2995,- kr (2-15 pers., 100,- kr extra for each person over 15 pers., big groups can contact us for a price)
Pizza comes as a big one with 8 slices: 250,- kr per pizza
Slush or soda: 25,- kr per cup
Chips: 50,- kr for a big bowl
Cotton Candy: 15,- kr per stick
Extra activity (30min extra): 500,- kr

You can choose five activities all by yourself. Please note: You have to let us know before the party what you choose, latest one week before.
You can choose four of those activties:
1. Rodeo bull
2. Archery
3. Quick draw (Revolver duel)
4. Crossbow shooting (play bandit)
5. Surfing
6. Big feet
7. Mega labyrinth (For example also with glasses which makes it difficult to see)
8. Limbo dance
9. Football pool
10. Meet the wall
You can also choose one of the following activities:
1. Bungee football
2. Human table football
3. Sumofight (single or double)
4. Gladiator fight
5. Giant boxing
6. Precision shooting
7. Football radar
8. Blacklight disco football
9. Blacklight hockey
10. Blacklight handball
11. Blacklight basketball
For groups with more then 10 children, we don’t recommend the combination of archery and quick draw. For more information check our activity menu or contact us. You can also ask for a tour through our venue.

Additional information
BIRTHDAY TIP: If you want to have a huge activitypackage for the half price, you can celebrate your birthday together with a friend.
BOOKING: We are quite busy, so try to make your booking in advance. You are very welcome to contact us via our contact form.
DAYS WE HAVE BIRTHDAYPARTYS AT STAVANGER KICKOFF: Sundays are reserved for birthdaypartys for children and youths. Depending on how busy we are it is also possible to come monday, tuesday or wednesday. Just ask us!
PLEASE NOTE: It is not allowed to bring food or drinks to our venue. The only thing you can bring with you is a birthday cake. Please make sure that you have everything you need for the cake (plastic plates, etc) and we would like to ask you to help a bit with cleaning up afterwards, if the kids made a lot of dirt.
WE NEED TO HAVE ALL INFORMATION CONCERNING THE BIRTHDAY PART ONE WEEK BEFORE. Please send them written via e-mail: number of children, choice of activities, number of pizzas (glutenfree, lactosefree, …), soda OR slush
Birthday invitatons
* Click on the photo. You can download to your computer.
NUMBER: Minimum price for a group is for 15 persons.
CANCELLATION: Cancelling of a booked event has to be done 21 days before realisation of the event. After that an invoice about 50% of the amount agreed on will be sent out. For cancellations less then 10 days before, you will receive an invoice about 100% of the agreed amount.
CORRECTIONS: Fine correction of the numbers of participants (1-3 pers) has to be done latest 7 days before the event takes place. This number will be the number used for the invoice.